Precautions for operation of rubber O-ring

hit: 533
date: 2021-10-16

summaryWhatshouldwepayattentiontowhentherubberO-ringisrunning? TherubberO-ringshallbelubricatedintime. ThetemperatureandpressureofrubberO-ringshall

What should we pay attention to when the rubber O-ring is running? 

  1. The rubber O-ring shall be lubricated in time. 

  2. The temperature and pressure of rubber O-ring shall not be abnormally high. 

  3. Pay attention to the service life of rubber O-rings. This can make our rubber O-ring longer and longer.

What should we pay attention to when the rubber O-ring is running?

1. The rubber O-ring shall be lubricated in time.

2. The temperature and pressure of rubber O-ring shall not be abnormally high.

3. Pay attention to the service life of rubber O-rings.

This can make our rubber O-ring longer and longer